Friday, March 2, 2012

Bounty Hunter Scandal in the NFL

The NFL announced today that they have found substantial evidence that the New Orleans Saints had a "bounty hunter" program headed by former defensive coordinator Gregg Williams. Saints defensive players were rewarded $1,000 for giving players injuries severe enough to be carted off the field and $1,500 for knocking out opposing players. Jonathon Vilma offered $10,000 for anyone who successfully injured an opposing player during a playoff game sometime between the 09-11 seasons.

Shortly after this was reported, it was revealed that the Washington Redskins had a similar system in place. I normally don't take ESPN polls seriously at all, but there is widespread outrage among the fan community. The vast majority of fans and football analysts are calling for fines, suspensions, and loss of draft picks for the Saints and Redskins. Typical of regional bias, Saints fans will settle for a fine, but not suspensions or loss of draft picks.

More as the story develops...

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