Saturday, December 11, 2010

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

This is one of the first images we have for Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, which will feature a trailer at the Spike TV Video Game Awards Saturday, December 11 (later today!) Many details have been revealed, most notably the premise. Drake and Sully are on the hunt for an ancient lost city in the Arabian Peninsula, following the adventures of T.E. Lawrence, a figure most well known for the movie Lawrence of Arabia, the true life-story of the Briton ally to Arabian freedom fighters. A teaser trailer has been released which features tons of references to T.E. Lawrence's life and the actual book he wrote detailing his journeys. This news is unbelievably exciting because not only are we getting a new Uncharted much sooner than any of us had hoped for, but one grounded in reality, unlike the discovery of El Dorado, the Golden Man, and Shambala up high in the Himalayas. The lost city that Drake is hunting for is something people to this day are hunting for and it will be very exciting to see how Naughty Dog can come up with a "solution".

One new feature to gameplay has already been revealed, the ability to fight multiple enemies at once in melee combat. More features will be revealed later today at the Spike VGAs! Coupled with this announcement, the Arkham City trailer to be shown, and rumors of Mass Effect 3 being revealed, this will be the first time I watch the VGAs for more than one trailer. This doesn't legitimize the show, but it sure as hell makes it more watchable, especially with NPH hosting.

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