Saturday, January 29, 2011

I Had to Get an iPhone 3GS

Yeah, you read that title right. Not, "I Got an iPhone 3GS," but I HAD to get a 3GS. I have been a proud iPhone user since June 2008. In the past 2 1/2 years of owning my phone (the longest I have ever owned a single phone) I have had little to no problems with it, other than getting horrific reception within my own house, and problems connecting to wi-fi networks. So basically, I've owned an iPod Touch that can occasionally make phone calls and look at barebones websites for the past 2 1/2 years. A few months ago, my phone decided to just stop connecting to wi-fi networks no matter what efforts I made. I decided that enough was enough and I decided to rectify the problem myself.

After following Apple's own instructions on their website (which ironically I couldn't access own my iPhone without connecting via the Edge network), I somehow ended up removing the ability to make and receive calls on my phone and removed the ability to connect to the Edge network. I was fed up and decided to take it to the AT&T Store where they replaced my SIM card, restoring my phone to its settings before I tried to fix things. My next option was to go to the one place on Earth I hate more than any other:
The Apple Store is infamous for seemingly only employing douchebags, people who act like douchebags, and people who may become a douchebag. Another disturbing trend I've noticed at Apple Stores is they have a serious lack of female employees, usually only employed as managers or in the stock room, and Apple Store employees tend to be white males between the ages of 18-20.

So unfortunately, I was forced to go the Apple Store because my phone's problem was hardware related. Very quickly, the douchebag helping me determined that my phone's wi-fi device was totally broken. I could get my phone repaired for $50, or I could just get an iPhone 3GS for $50. Hmmm...... Gee, I wonder which one is the better option?

Needless to say, I now own an iPhone 3GS. This thing outperforms the original iPhone on every level. The original iPhone does not support iOS 4.0, so the new OS was just mindblowing to me. the amount of organization, the wallpapers, the 3G speed, the voice control functions, everything is just amazing on this thing. My only complaint is that I could not get an iPhone 4 for $50 and do video calls with people even though I don't know anybody with an iPhone 4.

My favorite new feature of all, however, has to be the app multitasking. I used to hate going to the home screen just to go from text messages to looking at a website, but now with a simple double push of the home button, I can access my last 4 used apps. I've advocated this before in person to people, but I guess I'll say it on this blog too:

Once you go iPhone, you never go back.

I used to own a Razr, but there is no way I will ever go back to a phone that cannot do the things the iPhone does.

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