Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Superman Casted

Feast your eyes on the next Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman, 27 year old British actor Henry Cavill, mostly known for being on The Tudors. The first picture is from his upcoming show Immortals where he will playing the role of Theseus. Cavill is surprisingly enough, not a surprise choice. He was the front-runner for the lead role in Superman Returns back when Brett Ratner and McG were attached to direct. He's also got some experience in working with big budget high profile production, being the runner-up to Daniel Craig for the role of James Bond in Casino Royale before he was deemed too young for the part and he even auditioned for the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman in Batman Begins.

So what do we have to check off on our list of Superman qualities?
  • Square Jaw
  • Blue Eyes
  • Muscular Frame
  • Good looking, but someone you could see as also being a huge dork.
Well, 3/4 isn't too bad, Cavill has green eyes. They could always digitally alter his eye color like they did to Brandon Routh.... Okay, maybe they'll just use blue eye contact lenses this time...

With Christopher Nolan producing, David S. Goyer writing, and Zack Snyder directing, this new Superman movie is shaping up to be a huge movie that will make everyone forget Superman Returns ever existed. Here's to hoping Snyder and Goyer remove all Christ allegory shit and keep Superman as what he does best: JUGGLING PLANETS MOTHERFUCKER.

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