Wednesday, March 9, 2011

NBA Temperatures: Miami Heat at 1 Degree Celsius, Lakers at 99 Degrees

To start off the night, the Lakers have continued to steamroll their competition since the All-Star Break, defeating the Atlanta Hawks by 14 points. This game is of particular note because it is actually the first time Pau Gasol has ever defeated the Hawks at Atlanta as a Laker, Gasol and Bynum both got double-doubles, and Kobe Bryant surpassed Moses Malone's scoring record to become #6 on the all-time scoring leaders, now behind his former teammate Shaquille O'Neal. If Shaq does not retire at the end of this season, it is entirely likely that Kobe and Shaq will battle for the #5 spot around the middle or possibly end of next season.

Meanwhile down in Miami, the Heat were struggling the entire game against the Portland Trail Blazers, a team they have no business struggling to. When I say the Heat were struggling, I literally mean that; the only two players contributing were LeBron James and Dwyane Wade. Much to no one's surprised, LeBron again became Mr. Invisible during the 4th Quarter. The Heat were outright outclassed and no chance of winning whatsoever against the new-look Blazers, who beat the Heat by 9 points. Although the Blazers have lost some bench players, Brendon Roy and Gerald Wallace are currently coming off the bench and it's become clear that the Blazers are not going to be satisfied with being a first round exit team again this year. If the standings remain the same, Dallas is in serious risk of getting upset in the first round (again).

At this point of the season, it's become clear what Miami's problems are (which I listed in an earlier post): No true PG, No inside presence, No respect for the coach. If Miami loses to the Lakers on Thursday (which is looking increasingly more likely), expect the boo-birds to come out in full-force, calling for Spoelstra's and [whichever of the Big 3 has a bad game, most likely Bosh] heads. If the Lakers beat the Heat Thursday, I can guarantee that Pat Riley will fire Erik Spoelstra and un-retire from coaching, he will remain as GM and trade away every single player that has failed to contribute (Bosh, Bibby, Miller, Jones, Dampier, and Ilgauskas) and sign any free agent willing to work for minimum wage.

Suffice it to say, it's incredibly likely that Miami will enter re-building mode this offseason regardless of what happens Thursday, because they will not get past the 2nd round of the playoffs playing the way they've played all season.

A neat stat for you: with the Lakers victory in Atlanta, they not only extend their win streak to 8 games, but they tied their previous longest win streak of the season.

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