Monday, March 21, 2011

Tim Linceum Apparently Can Not Gain Weight

3 Double-Doubles, 2 orders of Fries, and a Milkshake. According to Tim "The Freak" Lincecum, this is exactly what he regularly orders at In-N-Out Burger every time he goes. In case you forgot what Tim Lincecum looks like....

Like a boss. Expect San Francisco In-N-Out Burgers to change the above order to "The Lincecum" or "The Freak".

Apparently, Timmy actually desires to gain weight this season, recently weighing in at 168 pounds (with clothes) at his allegedly 5'11" (more than likely he's actually 6'1") frame. Meanwhile, poor Pablo Sandoval, to quote Jim Caple of, "...probably gains weight just watching Lincecum eat."
"If I could get my hands on those burgers, I could get up to 300 lbs.!"

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