Monday, July 11, 2011

Usain Bolt: LIKE A BOSS

This is Usain Bolt, holder of nearly every world record in men's track. He is so good and lightning fast, he won a race at the Beijing Olympics while looking behind him to check that he was comfortably in the lead and ALSO breaking a world record. Yes, he could have broken the record by EVEN MORE had he not slowed down to look behind him. In case you haven't noticed by now, Bolt's jersey has his own image on it. Oh and of course, he won the race.

Now ordinarily I would disapprove of such grandstanding. But holy hell, Usain Bolt is just plain unbeatable and the fastest human in the history of time, literally. How many people can claim to be faster than anyone EVER? Track records tend to stand for long periods of time since the human body is only designed to go so fast, but Usain Bolt is a freak of nature that could outrun the Flash.

If you're going to brag about yourself, make sure you can live up to your own hype, just like Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps, and Kobe Bryant. Don't be like LeBron James, Alex Ovechkin, or the Brazilian football team (man or woman).

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