Saturday, February 4, 2012

Harrison Ford in Talks to Appear in Blade Runner 2

The more time passes, the more it looks like Blade Runner 2 is going to be a lot more than a pipe dream. First, Ridley Scott confirmed that he would be directing the movie, second, that it was confirmed to be a sequel and not a prequel, and now there are talks to bring Harrison Ford back in the role of Deckard, the Blade Runner.

This would be gigantic for the film's legitimacy since Harrison Ford has been very vocal over the years of his disapproval of how Blade Runner was marketed and edited, as well as his very contentious relationship with Ridley Scott.

Blade Runner 2 is set to begin filming sometime in 2013. It is unknown if it will follow the plot of one of the official sequel novels.

Update: Disregard Harrison Ford news, the producers say those rumors are false!

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