Wednesday, February 8, 2012

DC Comics Announces Smallville Season 11?

Smallville Season 11 #1
Smallville ended last year didn't it? I was pretty sure it ended the moment we saw Clark Kent finally put on the Superman costume and fly in outer space. Didn't we flash forward to the future where Chloe is married to Oliver Queen and has a son with him?

Well apparently, DC isn't ready to let Smallville die and is going to have Season 11 "broadcast" in comic book format, written by lead series writer Bryan Q. Miller, also known for his work on the Stephanie Brown volume of Batgirl (which is absurdly awesome). No surprise, Pere Perez (Batgirl) is doing the interior art, reuniting the tandem after the events of The New 52.

Why is Smallville!Clark Kent wearing a modification of the current Superman outfit and not the version seen in Superman Returns? Ahh who knows... I probably won't be picking this one up just because I can't imagine how much larger Lois' boobs will balloon to in comic book form.

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