Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Devil Is Crying

That is the new design for Dante from the just-announced Devil May Cry reboot developed by Ninja Theory. Yes, Dante is smoking and yes, he has black hair. Honestly, I could care less about those 2 things. As a reboot, DmC, as it's currently being called, will feature a new look and background for Dante as well as a new direction. Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening was a prequel that featured a younger Dante barely able to control his demon powers. After the horribleness of Devil May Cry 2, the prequel was heralded as a return to form and a return to the series' roots. Devil May Cry 4 introduced the idea of a new protagonist, Nero, being a semi-reincarnation of Dante's brother Vergil. While the segments of the game played as Dante were awesome as usual, Nero's play-through was seen as boring, obnoxious, and void of the charm that made the 1st and 3rd games fun. So after people praised Dante's story and hated Nero's story, what does Capcom decide to do to Dante?
He looks like a goth version of Nero. There are so many things wrong with this design I can't even begin to describe them. The only thing even remotely Dante-like about him is that he uses 2 guns to fight demons in the trailer. Even Dante's voice actor has changed! Why does Capcom insist on messing with a good thing? All anyone wanted was Devil May Cry 5 starring Dante, Trish, and Lady while forgetting that Nero ever existed. After seeing Marvel vs Capcom 3: FTW featuring Dante and Trish as playable characters, this reboot was probably the least expected announcement from Capcom. The reboot itself has me irked, but the worst announcement of all was that Capcom was giving this reboot to developer Ninja Theory after having worked on the past 4 DMC games in-house. In case you don't know who Ninja Theory is, they're the British developers who made Heavenly Sword, a game with great combat infamously known for how short and easy it is.

Change back Dante's voice actor, change his clothing and build, and maybe I'll be satisfied. If DmC turns out to be a prequel to Devil May Cry 3 and not a reboot, I may get more excited. The trailer to DmC can be seen here:

Update: The general consensus from Capcom's forums, Ninja Theory's forums, 4chan, and 2channel is that Dante's new design sucks shit. That's Capcom's loyal followers, the fans (lolwut) of Heavenly Sword, American internet trolls, and Japanese internet trolls. Clearly Capcom and Ninja Theory fucked up here and they had better quickly change Dante's redesign unless they want to sell zero copies.

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