Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Upgraded Rating Format

I went back and retconned some previous posts (and this one, too!) to have graded scores similar to my Other M review. From now on, anytime I review something new (or relatively new) I will give it a score based on the appropriate medium. For games, I'll score Story, Gameplay, Presentation (Graphics and Sound), Replay Value, and an Average Score on the traditional 10-point scale. For movies and comics, I'll score on a strict scale of 1-5. A score of zero is probably not going to happen but we'll see.

The comics rating scale can be read as follows:

1/5:     Burn That Shit!
2/5:     Pass It!
3/5:     Check It Out!
4/5:     Must Read!
5/5:     Own This!

If a comic is going through a story arc I'll provide an additional grade to the entire story arc when it concludes.

The movie rating scale can be read by comparing to these films from the past decade:

1/5:     The Room
2/5:     Spider-Man 3
3/5:     Waiting...
4/5:     Zombieland
5/5:     Toy Story 3

A score of 0/5 for a movie will only be reserved for the worst of the worst. Seeing how infrequently these types of movies, I'll just keep my scale as 1-5. But in the off chance such a bad movie does happen....

0/5:     Battlefield: Earth

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