Monday, November 14, 2011

The Return of Darkseid (Kind Of)

Darkseid, the dark lord of Apokolips is back... for Justice League, which is a comic that retcons the story of how the Justice League was formed. In the comic, the heroes will unite against their first common foe, Darkseid. The unspeakable one is a fitting choice for their first villain since Superman alone cannot defeat Darkseid and gives reason for every member of the team to unite.

Darkseid features a minor redesign, but the important details are his scarred face, his goofy hood-looking thing, and the blue and black color scheme. This will be Darkseid's first appearance since his death in Final Crisis when the goddamn Batman killed him with a god-killing bullet.

Thankfully, Darkseid's death appears to remain canon, making Batman that much more of a badass, surviving his Excellent Adventure through time through the power of friendship. As much as I love the character of Darkseid, comic books revive characters too frequently and too soon, as seen in the aftermath of Blackest Night and Brightest Day which revived popular characters who were killed for the express purpose of having them star in Brightest Day.

Here's to hoping Darkseid torments the Justice League in their early days, but Batman's god-killing efforts don't get erased without a very good reason.

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