Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Battle of the News Anchor Babes is ON!

I remember when CNN vs Fox News was about unbiased journalism against conservative propaganda. Apparently, most people want to hear news with a slant, so they love to tune into Fox's opinion based shows, Fox and Friends, America Live, Your World with Neil Cavuto, Glenn Beck, The O'Reilly Factor, and Hannity. That's a hell of a lot of opinion based shows for a network that claims to be "Fair and Balanced." Those shows are all at least an hour long, America Live being 2 hours long and Fox and Friendsbeing 3 hours long. That's 9 hours of conservative slant programming, but many of those shows are broadcast more than once per day. The total amount of biased programming on Fox throughout the entire day is actually 13 hours, more than half of our oh-so-dear 24 hour day.

So what does any of that have to do with anything? Well, in CNN's effort to increase their ratings, they've attempted to make their own opinion based shows, which all fail miserably.Their latest project, Parker Spitzer, failed so hard in ratings and in host chemistry that Kathleen Parker had to leave and now Eliot Spizer remains with his own show, In the Arena, which is also not doing so hot. One of the projects that did work for a while was Rick Sanchez as the 3-5pm ET timeslot host of CNN Newsroom. Unfortunately, Sanchez just had to make some comments about CNN's executives that were anti-Semitic in nature while claiming that he has had a difficult career as a Latino journalist in English media., even though he is a light-skinned Cuban who started their career in Miami, the easiest place for someone like Sanchez to get ahead.

After Sanchez's firing, CNN replaced him with Don Lemon initially, but poor Lemon has zero charisma and flopped hard. Instead, CNN tried the Fox News formula and placed frequent Sanchez guest Brooke Baldwin as host instead. While Baldwin has thus far tried to avoid having an opinion based show, there's no denying that her place on the network has become the other cornerstone that Fox loves to have: hot babes doing the news!

The host of America Live, Megyn Kelly (yes, that's how she spells her name...), is also incredibly hot even though her opinions are fucking stupid. There's little one can do about Kelly though, she is a former attorney after all. Even though Kelly is dumb as bricks in things outside of law (and that's debatable), she is super super hot and awesome to look at. Brooke Baldwin is a super hot redhead and is on only an hour after Megyn Kelly is off the air!

It's quite a dilemma really, what to watch, actual news with a fiery hot redhead or opinionated bantering with a blonde bombshell.

I really don't even care anymore, I just get my real news sent to me from Reuters and the AP.

Update: Apparently, Brooke recently missed almost a week of work because she was diagnosed with a very mild form of skin cancer and had the tumor removed from her nose. She returned to the airwaves today sporting the cutest placed Band-Aid I have ever seen, as can be seen in this video where Brooke acknowledges her predominantly male fanbase.

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