Friday, May 4, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man Trailer #3

Along with The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers had the latest trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man attached as well. The theater I saw the movie in did not play the trailer, although I assume it did play during 3D showings, being that ASM was filmed in 3D and is the first superhero movie to be filmed entirely in 3D (Thor, Captain America, and The Avengers were all converted to 3D in post-production). The facts already known about this movie (besides casting), compared to the Sam Raimi trilogy:

  • Peter Parker's love interest will be Gwen Stacy. Mary Jane Watson will not make an appearance.
  • The backstory of Parker's parents will finally be revealed to the movie-going audience.
  • Parker has been described as a social outcast, rather than as a nerd.
  • Spider-Man's humor is described as being akin to internet trolling, taking advantage of the fact he is an anonymous person.
  • Spider-Man will use mechanical web-shooters and will no longer have organic webbing.
  • J. Jonah Jameson will not make an appearance.
My observations about the trailer, which reveals the most information about the movie thus far: after the break.
  • The Oscorp building makes an appearance, hinting that Norman and Harry Osborn will make appearances or will be hinted at. In the Raimi movies, Harry was a high school friend of Peter. In the comics, Peter and Harry met in college.
  • Gwen Stacy knows that Peter Parker and Spider-Man are one in the same, clearly before the climax.
  • Parker apparently skateboards? It certainly fits the movie stereotype that people who skateboard are not mainstream.
  • It's being heavily implied that the spider that bites Peter does not give him superpowers, but rather activates latent abilities in him. Could Peter be a genetic experiment?
  • The Lizard is wearing the shredded white lab coat!
  • Spidey appears to be facing the police every bit as much as the Lizard.
The Amazing Spider-Man sees worldwide release July 3, just 2 1/2 weeks before The Dark Knight Rises. If Spidey does not make the bulk of its profit within those 2 1/2 weeks, it will be trounced at the box office by Batman.

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