Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Trailer Attached to The Avengers Released

The 3rd trailer for The Dark Knight Rises has arrived! It will be attached to The Avengers, a giant reminder by Christopher Nolan and WB that The Avengers is NOT the movie event of the year. Here's what I noticed in the trailer, in order:

  • The 8-year time skip is noticeable right away in Bruce Wayne. He has graying temples, noticeable wrinkles, and has let his beard grown out.
  • With the beard, has Wayne retired from being Batman?
  • At the party scene, Wayne has shaved his beard, implying there will be a case of important haircut.
  • Bane's men are going to hijack a plane while rappelling from another plane. That makes 2 movies in a row, someone gets into a plane without the plane landing.
  • I didn't previously complain about Bane's voice, but it does sound much clearer now. I could have lived with or without the change.
  • This will be the final time we ever witness Hines Ward play football. Ward retired after being released by the Pittsburgh Steelers at the end of last season.
  • Another plot involving the bridges, similar to the Joker's plan in the last movie to force the people of Gotham to evacuate via boat, except this time Bane is more proactive.
  • Did "they" kill who? Trailers always lie, so John Blake and Selina Kyle may not be speaking to each other.
  • How is Bane torturing Wayne?
  • The child talking to Blake speaks as if Batman has retired...
  • How did Catwoman get the Batpod anyway?
  • The Mystery Man from the 1st trailer can be seen again briefly, but now it is clear they are holding a gun and there is a 2nd person next to him. Could these actually be Bane's henchman and not, as rumored, Ra's al Ghul come back from the dead?
  • Bruce Wayne's love interest will apparently be Miranda Tate, not Selina Kyle.
  • I have a terrible feeling that Catwoman's dialogue with Batman is going to be a little hammy.
  • Does the Batmobile transform into the Bat? Catwoman seems to believe at first that it is a car...
  • The movie's outdoor scenes have a serious gray-scale look. The first movie was mostly filtered reddish-brown, the 2nd was mostly filtered blue.
  • Batman Begins had red-brown as a primary color because of the recurring theme of fire (Ra's al Ghul's and Bruce Wayne's houses burned down, Batman set on fire by the Scarecrow, Scarecrow's horse "breathing" fire)
  • The Dark Knight used a blue filter throughout because blue is generally identified as a "night" color. Harvey Dent's scenes never use the blue filter.
  • The gray-scale may imply neutrality, either by Catwoman, or by Gotham City itself. The child talking to Blake even draws the Batman logo with white chalk.
The Dark Knight Rises sees worldwide release on July 20.

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