Monday, May 28, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises is Almost Here, New TV Spots Casually Reveal New Details

The first The Dark Knight Rises TV spots have aired and they all casually reveal new details unseen in the theatrical trailers. Here's the new info!

  • Catwoman pretends to be Bruce Wayne's wife to steal his Lamborghini Murcielago after the party where she and Wayne dance. Wayne voices credulousness that he even has a wife, confirming he's still a bachelor.
  • It is confirmed that Batman retired after the events of The Dark Knight.
  • Bruce Wayne now uses a cane. There was wild internet speculation that he would use a cane as a result of his fall at the end of The Dark Knight, but it appears to be fact now.
The "Bruce Wayne has a cane now" angle is very important because someone claimed to have full details on the entire film, posting several potential spoilers, including Wayne using a cane. If his other spoilers end up being fact, I'm not opposed to how the film turns out, including a major role for police officer John Blake.

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