Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Has a Game-Breaking Glitch of Massive Proportions

The PS3 version of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has such a game-breaking glitch, it appears that Skyrim will not contend for Game of the Year awards and faces steep diminishing sales, as well as massive damage to the brand of Bethesda. The 360 and PC versions possess this glitch as well, but not to the extent that the PS3 version has.

Upon accumulating more than 60 hours playtime (Skyrim has infinite quests), the game generates an unusual amount of lag that cannot be fixed under any circumstances. The lag occurs randomly, for a random amount of time, and reduces the frame rate to unbelievably low levels. Bethesda has suggested turning the auto-save function off, which does alleviate some issues, but the lag persists.

Those knowledgeable with the PS3's hardware have said that it may be impossible to correct this glitch, due to the way the PS3 saves data. IGN has said that if they had known of this glitch, they would have rated Skyrim much lower, with other gaming websites and magazines agreeing.

Just another reason why I refuse to play Bethesda games, folks.

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