Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Bill Maher's Hilarious Tweet About Tim Tebow

Bill Maher is an outspoken atheist comedian and makes no apologizes for offending religious people in his commentary. Some people are saying that this tweet is offensive. Some people say that Maher is "insensitive." That's a load of bullshit.

Tim Tebow prays before every game. And during the game. And after the game. He talks about Jesus being important in his life. He talks about Jesus being "partly" responsible for the result of football games. Every time he wins a game, he thanks God and/or Jesus for giving him a win. He never says Jesus was on the other team's side when he loses, of course.

Obviously, if Tebow, the guy whose life seems to revolve around either football or Jesus, loses a game that he says Jesus affects, then the devil must be smiling somewhere, taunting Tebow from the underworld.

A lot of people who are decrying Maher's tweet are also the same people who oddly enough believe that political correctness should be done away with and that this so-called "War on Christmas" needs to end. It's funny how those same people who hate political correctness also don't want anything negative being said about them.

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