Monday, May 30, 2011

IGN's E3 Checklists Released

IGN has decided to copy Joystiq's E3 BINGO game this year, deciding to release checklists for the 3 console developers. Some of the things on the checklist are incredibly doubtful, but once you see Joystiq's BINGO game, you'll see the true meaning of doubtful. In Joystiq's game, several outlandish, but plausible announcements are placed and sometimes developers well get a BINGO. Last year, Microsoft completely failed to get even 3 categories in a row, being declared an utter failure of a press conference by Joystiq and many gamers for focusing far too heavily on new IPs and the Kinect which has failed to see any support from hardcore gamers. Sony managed to get not just one BINGO, but almost 2. Nintendo's conference was so legendary it almost filled up the board and had several epic announcements that no one could have possibly conceived.

So here they are, IGN's E3 checklists:
There's a few reaches here and there, but most of the lists are pretty plausible. These next 2 weeks will be busy for me, what with the NBA and NHL Finals and E3 next week, coupled with several new games I've recently purchased.

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