Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mass Effect 3 DELAYED :(

Sadly it's true, Mass Effect 3 will not be coming out "Holiday 2011," it has been delayed to Q1 2012. Bioware has cited that they will be further retooling the game to fit a "broader" audience. This can only mean that the RPG elements Bioware promised us would return in ME3 will more than likely be toned down. Some people are saying they don't trust Bioware after Dragon Age 2. Some people are saying that turning ME3 into even more of a Gears of War clone would be damaging.

I say that Bioware has learned their lesson from DA2. DA2 was rushed to completion and we got a really shitty game. By delaying ME3, Bioware can make sure that their magnum opus ends up being one of the greatest video games ever. It's also a good sales strategy, because The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, and Batman: Arkham City will all be released in Q4 2011. Uncharted will be the big PS3 seller, Arkham City will be the big multi platform seller, and Skyrim will be the big RPG seller. Bioware delaying ME3 to Q1 2012 makes sure that the multi platform RPG sells above the competiton.

I, for one, welcome our new Reaper overlords.

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