Monday, June 6, 2011

Sony has a Legendary E3 Press Conference

Yeah, we all knew the NGP was going to be called Playstation Vita, but no one predicted that PS Vita would feature CLOUD SAVES, giving you the ability to play on your PSV and then later play the same file on your PS3. The PSV also features cross-platform compatibility with the PS3, allowing gamers to play the same game online, whether it be the PS3 or PSV. Despite Sony not getting a Bingo, technically they scored the Bingo on the 2nd to bottom line because the 3G model of the PSV will retail at $299, while the wi-fi only model will retail at $249. Sony also revealed (to the crowd's disappointment) that the 3G will be exclusive with AT&T in North America.

Sony did not stray too far from the Move, but there were surprising announcements that Bioshock Infinite and NBA 2K12 will both have Move support. There is word that more 3rd party developers will be making hardcore games with Move support, something that Microsoft has got to be feeling nervous about. Earlier today, Microsoft's representative was visibly upset on GameTrailers TV when asked the question of when a Gears of War game would feature Kinect support, probably fully aware that 2K was going to be fully supporting Move.

The PSP and PSPgo did not feature much of a presence, being replaced entirely by the PSV in Sony's demo of all its hardware. This confirms to most gamers at this point that the PSPgo is going away.

Sony was smart, opening the show with two of the biggest elephants in the room: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception and the PSN hack. Afterwards, there were passing references to both, but neither truly dominated the show. I was personally disappointed to see that Kevin Butler did not make an appearance, but I'm not terribly broken up about it. Last year he made quite the epic speech, stating that Sony believes in gamers, not about pandering to soccer moms. This time, Sony didn't need Kevin Butler to reiterate that statement, focusing entirely on hardcore gamers and products that only hardcore gamers would probably look into.

There was a surprise announcement of a Playstation branded 24" 3DTV as well, bundled with 3D glasses, an HDMI cable, and Resistance 3, priced at $499, an excellent price for such a bundle.

Where Microsoft failed in addressing what gamers wanted, Sony laid their cards on the table and before the show they told everyone they had a Straight Flush. When the PSV's price and cloud saving features were announced, they showed that it was a Royal Flush. Sony is so far the clear winner of E3 and Nintendo is going to have to make one (or is it two?) hell of an announcement regarding Project Café to compete with winning the show.

Sony Final Score: A+

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