Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ultimate Spider-Man is Going to Die

Yes, you read that correctly. Marvel Comics has confirmed that in the final issue of Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man, Peter Parker will die at the hands of the Green Goblin. In normal comics world, this isn't a big deal. In fact, Peter Parker has already died before... even though he came back to life 3 pages later with new superpowers. But in the Ultimate universe, death is permanent. Magneto and Wolverine have both been dead for some time, an example of just how momentous death can be in the Ultimate universe. While Peter Parker will be perma-banned from the Ultimate universe, Marvel has said this isn't the end of the saga of Ultimate Spider-Man, and someone (that Marvel isn't revealing) will be inspired by Parker's death just how Peter was fueled by Uncle Ben's death.

I, for one, welcome this major change. The Ultimate universe has been better written for some time now, making Joe Quesadilla's decisions look even dumber. If you want to break up Peter and Mary-Jane, at least make it believable and not literally saying A WIZARD DID IT. I'm keeping my eye on what new hero will take Peter's place, especially since Ben Reilly is not Peter's clone in this universe. The only clone he has is Jessica Drew (yes, a female clone), but she's not that popular due to her status of being a worse-written version of X-23, despite her being created first.

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