Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tim Drake's Post-Reboot Fate Revealed

This is the cover to Teen Titans #1. Tim Drake will continue to be Red Robin, sporting a costume that seems to be a hybrid of his last Robin outfit and his underweb Red Robin outfit, thankfully removing the hood that everyone hated. Kon-El returns as Superboy, wearing probably the worst costume I've ever seen. Wonder Girl returns, but it seems to not be Cassie Sandsmark. Kid Flash also returns, but based on the logo and red hair, this Kid Flash looks to be Wally West rather than Bart Allen. The other 2 characters are total unknowns at this point.

It's nice to see Tim Drake team up with Superboy again, but I hope the new costumes don't conflict with good story-telling, especially Superboy's awful "tape a piece of paper to my shirt" costume.

Update: DC has confirmed that Kid Flash is Bart Allen. Wally West's fate is currently unknown.

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