Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tomb Raider Looks REALLY Good

In what is proving to be the stand-out game of E3, Tomb Raider is turning heads right and left. At one point in time, Tomb Raider was a game about one tough gal with gigantic boobs named Lara Croft. Lara rarely showed remorse for killing anyone or anything, gaining her a derisive nickname of "Cold Bitch Lara" by detractors of the Tomb Raider franchise. In the last 3 games, Lara became a bit more lighthearted and feminine, but she was still someone who would react unrealistically, not just as a woman, but as a person, to every situation.

When Game Informer first debuted the new Tomb Raider and Lara Croft's new look, a lot of people speculated that this was all done to compete with the Uncharted series and try a new direction since Tomb Raider: Underworld was not successful. In the Game Informer article, it was stated that the game was not a carbon copy of Uncharted, rather it was going to be a much darker game, elements like finding food and herbal medicine to survive, and elements of the survival horror genre, but with actual live humans after you instead of a zombie.

There was some talk about this new Tomb Raider being Uncharted meets Metal Gear Solid 3, but after the live gameplay demo today at Microsoft's press conference (one of the only bright spots, but Tomb Raider is not a 360 exclusive in the slightest), it became clear that Tomb Raider wants you to feel alone, isolated, and in danger. There are still puzzles, but they're more realistic puzzles rather than "Go fetch these 5 pieces of a stone emblem you could probably make from a large rock in the time it would take you to find the 5 pieces and in considerably less risk of death."

I'm going to stop typing words and just let you watch the gameplay for yourself.

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