Sunday, June 26, 2011

You Know What I Hate? Fucking Nitpickers.

This is Benzaie. He is French. He works for Channel Awesome (so you know right off the bat he's an idiot). A while back, Channel Awesome contributor TheSpoonyOne made a video bitching about how terrible The Legend of Zelda; The Wind Waker was. His main complaint was the art style, mostly complaining that Nintendo didn't make this game with more realistic graphics but keep the gameplay the same. Many shared this opinion, excited that The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was going to be appeasing the fans who liked Wind Waker's gameplay, but hated the art.

But then assholes like Benzaie came along, completely unpleaseable. Twilight Princess' goal was to combine the best of Ocarina of Time with the best of Wind Waker, creating the perfect swan song for the Gamecube. Unfortunately, the game was delayed to the point that it also came out for the Wii, but it was still an awesome game. It's not the greatest Zelda game at all, but it is one of the better ones. Benzaie made a list of the "top 5 reasons why Twilight Princess sucks," implying that is in fact a bad game. In reality, it's actually a "top 2". Here are his top 2?:
  1. Poor Game & Level Design Choices
    1. Hates the skateboard(?); claiming that it is rarely used. He was probably referring to the Spinner.
    2. Thinks the Double Clawshot was a lazy inclusion and that two clawshots is stupid.
    3. Hates that the Magical Armor depletes rupees when used and costs so much money to get. Claims the Fierce Deity's Mask was better.
    4. Thinks the Iron Boots were only used in one dungeon and complains that the mayor of Ordon gives it to you.
    5. Claims the Gale Boomerang was not used at all after the first dungeon.
    6. Hates that Wolf Link doesn't play very differently from Link (what?).
    7. Hates the Howling Stones, Hawk Leafs, and Horse Grass.
    8. Nitpicks that the songs that play when you slash an enemy in Wind Waker have been removed.
    9. Thinks he was ripped-off by Nintendo for purchasing the Wii to play Twilight Princess.
  2. Story & World
    1. "Zero risk" of art direction and looks "exactly" like OoT.
    2. Thinks Wind Waker was much more creative with it's art style, noticeably disagreeing with Spoony.
    3. Complains about the forgettable Resistance characters.
    4. Complains that the map is too similar to Ocarina of Time (what?).
    5. Complains that Yeto's house, the Snowpeak Ruins, is a dungeon.
    6. Disappointed by the Ooccoo being the Sky people.
    7. Complains that Twilight Princess "doesn't follow the Zelda timeline"
    8. Hated the ending with Midna destroying the Mirror of Twilight
    9. Claims the game can be completed in less than 12 hours very easily.
    10. Claims that you have to do the same things twice as Wolf Link and Link, mostly complaining about the Sacred Grove.
    11. Complains about the bosses' difficulty, claiming they can be beaten in "seconds".
    12. Thinks that Twilight Princess is more of an unofficial remake of Ocarina of Time.
    13. Claims Zelda is its own genre and default every Zelda game is decent because no other game has copied its style
    14. Expects Skyward Sword to have a double boomerang.
Now obviously, that's one of the worst organized Top 2's I've ever seen. It's entirely made up of nitpicking, which I will now debunk!

  1. The Spinner is used quite extensively in the dungeon you get it, even used as the primary weapon against the boss. It is also used frequently in the City in the Sky and used to get several heart pieces around Hyrule.
  2. The Double Clawshot turns you in Spider-Link! It's the closest Link gets to flying in Twilight Princess, which is why the 2nd clawshot is in the City in the Sky, which Benzaie keeps calling the "Sky Temple." Benzaie extensively complains that the Ooccoo considered the clawshot somehow important, but the City in the Sky is not a temple, it is a City that was once obviously occupied by people Link's size. It's made very obvious that the double clawshot is how people got around at one point.
  3. The Magical Armor is actually very easy to get provided that you deliver hot springwater to Castle Town before donating the 2nd set of rupees to Malo Mart. There's no magic in the game, so how else could Link fuel his magic armor? In Wind Waker, the magic armor depleted your magic, so the only thing that could be depleted in Twilight Princess is your huge rupee collection. The Fierce Deity's Mask is only available at the very end of Majora's Mask, your prize for getting every mask, but the Magical Armor can be obtained very early.
  4. The iron boots are used in two dungeons extensively, one more than Ocarina of Time or Wind Waker. Complaining that "your neighbor" gives them to you is pure nitpicking.
  5. The Gale Boomerang is used infrequently, but it is still used every so often.
  6. Wolf Link runs faster than Link, but he deliberately plays the same as Link so that one doesn't need to learn two different control schemes.
  7. The songs played are in reference to Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Wind Waker, but they don't play a major part in the game. The only Howling Stone even required is the one to learn the Ending Blow.
  8. He admits that he's nitpicking about the fighting songs and I do agree with him that they were fun in Wind Waker, but that was a much more cartoony game where you expect random sound effects while fighting.. It just wouldn't make much sense in Twilight Princess.
  9. Nintendo made very clear that the Wii version of Twilight Princess had only limited functionality with the Wii, only able to incorporate the fishing game with true Wii controls. Nintendo never said the Wii version was any better, just that it would play a little bit differently than the Gamecube version due to being mirrored and having more on-screen items equipped.
  10. TP has a much darker design than OoT and claiming it looks exactly the same is incredibly ignorant.
  11. I actually agree with this point, but TP's point was to make a much darker game.
  12. I agree with this one too. None of them are that memorable other than Rusl, who you meet at the beginning of the game.
  13. The map is similar to OoT on purpose. By that logic, he should be complaining that OoT's map is too similar to A Link to the Past's map.
  14. Snowpeak Ruins is definitely a dungeon that screams "wtf?" but what about Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly? What about Beneath the Well (which was originally a house)? What about THE MOON?
  15. There were hints everywhere that the Ooccoo were the Sky people, but the number of artifacts dealing with the Sky people imply that the Ooccoo didn't always look like face-chickens or may not even be the real Sky people if Skyward Sword is hinting at anything.
  16. The Zelda Timeline is FAN-MADE. Nintendo has never confirmed that the timeline is real, only stating that a game comes before or after Ocarina of Time.
  17. Benzaie needs better English, because it was stated numerous times why the Mirror had to be destroyed.
  18. 12 hours on a first run is really stretching it. On a 2nd playthrough, one could probably complete the game in 12 hours while skipping a lot of heart pieces, but completing the game quickly most involves save-warping.
  19. The only thing you do twice is the Sacred Grove, but you actually follow a different path. The Twilight areas are mostly to familiarize you with the new area since they are very large zones.
  20. Some bosses are easier than others, but none can be completed in less than a minute.
  21. If TP is a remake of OoT, then OoT is a remake of LttP, which is a remake of the original Zelda.
  22. Apparently, Benzaie has never heard of Okami.
  23. The double boomerang was already obtainable! It was Zora Link's ranged attack in Majora's Mask!
At the end of the video Benzaie even admits that he's going to get Skyward Sword even though he hates motion controls. Troll video or endless nitpicking? You decide.

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