Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wii U Specs Revealed, Four Exclusive Titles Already on the Way

Meet the Wii U and the Wii U Controller. Because the Wii U will not be released until "after March 31, 2011," the Wii U and Controller are still prototypes and are subject to change. Nintendo was initially very secretive about what the Wii U can do, only saying very casually that it has high-definition graphics, instead choosing to concentrate on what the controller can do. Since yesterday, lots of new details have arisen, likely a ploy by Nintendo to restore confidence in its shareholders since this morning their stock fell by 5%.

These specifications are subject to change:

  • Approximately 1.8 inches tall, 6.8 inches wide and 10.5 inches long
  • Internal flash memory expandable via SD memory card slot and USB slots (4) using a USB hard disk drive
  • Slot-loading disc drive compatible with 12-cm 25 GB capacity "proprietary high-density optical discs" and 12-cm Wii optical discs
  • Built-in accelerometer, gyroscope, speakers, front-facing camera, microphone and a 6.2 inch touchscreen
  • Two Circle Pads and one Digital Pad
  • Select, Start, Home and Power Buttons
  • A/B/X/Y front buttons, L/R bumper buttons and ZL/ZR trigger buttons
  • Controller will not be sold separately, There will only be one Wii U controller per console.
  • 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p and 480i output
  • Compatible with HDMI, component, D-Terminal (Japan only), RGB-SCART (EU only), S-video and composite cables
  • AV Multi Out port. Six-channel PCM linear output through HDMI
Obviously, the specifications of graphics are still left unknown, likely because Nintendo is waiting until the last minute to use the highest quality graphics card available that will fit into the Wii U and be readily mass-produced. It is very likely and rumored that the Wii U will feature more impressive visuals than either the Xbox 360 or PS3.

In the world of what games will actually hit the Wii U, there are a handful of games already confirmed to be on the Wii U: Batman: Arkham City, Ninja Gaiden III: Razor's Edge, Darksiders II, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Online, Aliens: Colonial Marines, a Tekken game, and an Assassin's Creed game, previously thought to be a port of Revelations. As far as exclusive games go, four have been announced so far: LEGO City Stories (assuming to be a LEGO version of the Grand Theft Auto series) , New Super Mario Bros. Mii, Super Smash Bros., and just announced today from Ubisoft, Killer Freaks From Outer Space.

KFFOS is the only Wii U exclusive with video footage so far, so take a look!

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