Sunday, January 1, 2012

Cee Lo Green Begins the Year by Bastardizing a John Lennon Song

Cee Lo Green, the former lead singer of Gnarls Barkley, now solo act famous for his song "Fuck You," decided to sing a John Lennon song during New York Ciy's New Year's Eve party at Times Square. When one decides to sing a John Lennon song, generally singers know what they're in for since Lennon's solo career was marked by songs that were done for protest or to send a message. The song Cee Lo Green sung was "Imagine," a song that is infamous for it's anti-religious message.

And then Cee Lo Green decided to be cute and change the lyrics. Instead of the lyrics "Nothing to kill for or die for, And no religion too" Green changed the lyrics to "Nothing to kill for or die for, And all religion's true." The change was very insulting to fans of Lennon, who know that the song is meant to be about imagining a perfect world, which includes one with no religion. Green was blasted on Twitter where he explained that he "meant no disrespect" but he disagreed with Lennon's anti-religious views and wants a world where people believe what they want to believe.

The problem with that statement is that-that is exactly what John Lennon was protesting against. Lennon had seen how much conflict religion had caused between countries and even within countries over his lifetime and over human history. Lennon (and many people with anti-religious views) felt that if the world had no religions and if everyone was agnostic or atheist, there would be no conflict in the world. I happen to disagree with Lennon's view, knowing that even if there were no religion, people would fight over political and nationalistic issues.

Nevertheless, I am offended when singers change other singer's lyrics because they disagree with the song. If you disagree with the song, DON'T SING IT. Pick a song that is pro-religion. Pick one that doesn't have a religious message. When a singer changes the lyrics to a song because they don't like the message, it is exactly like misquoting someone or changing the plot of a book or movie; It's insulting that singer's writing as well as their personal views.

In somewhat related news, Kelly Clarkson lost a lot of fans in an instant because she declared herself a Ron Paul supporter. Ron Paul was previously a dark horse candidate only supported by young Independents and Libertarians, but is now getting mainstream attention because of his controversially racist views seen in writings he approved of 20 years ago.

What is it with singers with no talent suddenly having political views? Next thing you know, Katy Perry is going to announce she's an anarchist or something.

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